
experiments with just
a few clicks.

Highly customizable — because all experiments have that special something.
Boost data output of your lab without hassle.

Trusted by companies like

    • Imec Istart
    • PLNT
    • Levels Diagnostics

Everything you need to run your experiments.

From design to execution, VICTOR has you covered. Spend less time on manual tasks and more time on what matters.

Battle-tested liquid handling experiments with sensible defaults — you and VICTOR will quickly become best buds.

Simplify everyday lab tasks.

Keep track of your past experiments and setup upcoming experiments to get ahead.


Organize your experiments in one place.

You and your team can access VICTOR from any device from anywhere in the world. Including controlling the mini-lab.

Data management

Reporting and logging for compliance and efficiency.

VICTOR records all performed steps of your experiments, providing a clear audit trail for regulatory bodies and QA. And it can reproduce results if needed.


Optimize usage of plastics and reagents.

Mark used parts in your labware, so VICTOR will use the pristine parts. Smart pipetting features in the protocols minimize dead volume in labware.

Request a demo today

It’s time to unlock the true potential of your lab. Let your current bottlenecks be a relic from the past.

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“VICTOR is an ideal solution for our lab. Automating our ELISA workflow creates a faster and more stable way to generate the data we need.”

Coen Breedveld
Founder of Levels Diagnostics

Affordable lab automation.

We offer a complete automation as a service package for your lab.

Including the mini-lab

Perfect for small / medium sized businesses.

  • Lease of the mini-lab
  • Installation of the mini-lab
  • Quarterly calibration
  • Support from our expert team
  • Unlimited experiments
  • All templates from the library
  • Unlimited team members
  • Indefinite data retention
Request a demo

Bring your own mini-lab

Already own the mini-lab or prefer to buy yourself?

  • Unlimited experiments
  • All templates from the library
  • Unlimited team members
  • Indefinite data retention
Request a demo

Frequently asked questions

Always happy to discuss any questions you might have. Here are some of the most common ones.

    • What types of liquid handling tasks can the automation system perform?

      Currently VICTOR is best equipped to perform ELISA experiments, adding more experiments to the library continuously. Drop us a message if you have a specific experiment in mind, and we can collaborate on a pilot project to get ahead! This comes with early adopter benefits. 😎

    • Do I need specialized labware for the mini-lab?

      VICTOR is compatible with most standard labware, but we recommend using our labware for optimal performance.

    • How do I apply for a job at KNR Biotech?

      Drop us an email on and we’re happy to invite you for a coffee.

    • Can VICTOR handle a variety of liquids, including viscous or volatile substances?

      We offer modules to support special cases — best to drop us a message at and we’ll take a look together.

    • How precise is the liquid handling of VICTOR?

      VICTOR is precise down to 10 microliter — drop us a message if you have more stringent requirements.

    • What are the throughput capabilities of VICTOR?

      VICTOR is typically used in R&D environments, where we favor flexibility over high throughput. Generally, it performs liquid handling tasks twice as fast as a scientist does.

    • When can I run my first experiment?

      When the paperwork is done, VICTOR will be up and running within two weeks.

    • Does VICTOR support 384-well plates?

      Coming soon! VICTOR loves reducing usage of plastics and reagents.

    • Which liquid handlers is VICTOR compatible with?

      Currently VICTOR is compatible with the Opentrons OT-2, since we believe it offers the best bang for your buck. Drop us a message if you have a different liquid handler in mind.

    • Can we expect more features on data management?

      We have an exciting product roadmap — additions to data management are definitely part of it. We would love to hear your specific needs, drop us a message at

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